Messier 64
I did some astrophotography again :)
We have here Messier 64 from 08.03. and 09.03. (it's like 9h of total exposure)
I hope i got the black point right, the background is supposed to be a little grey-ish but not too much, so I'm kinda struggling with that still...
Omg, you are doing astrophotography? ♥️It's really good!
Great picture. Background could be more dark, for my taste . On my monitor calibrated for printing it looks good but on normal screen it's too grey.
This is awesome!
Thanks, guys <3
Also thank you very much for the feedback, just great that you happen to have a monitor for printing :D
Nice! What equipment do you use? Are you in a remote location for non-light-polluted skies? And I guess any random trails from satellites get automatically removed in the stacking process, right?
I use a 150/750 newton telescope (150mm being the mirror) in combination with a regular old canon eos 700d... not the best of equipment which shows especially in the image sharpness but it is a lot of fun (:
As for satellites, shooting stars and airplanes (srsly fuck those), yes it gets automatically removed by the stacking, but I prefer to not use the frame, if there is some disturbance since it may produce artifacts... also the software calculates something called FWHM, which gives a measure of how "big" the stars in the image are... a satellite trail would produce a large value here, and so I can check the frame :p
How strong is your telescope mount? Expensive or basic? How do you prevent wobbles from wind, for example? And how long are the single exposures?
well mid-range I'd say, it's a SkyWatcher EQ-5 motorized mount... I have an autoguider as well (Lacerta MGen 2) to stabilize the frames. Still you have to dump some frames, I'd say without an autoguider you get 30-40% usable frames, with an autoguider around 70%
Single exposures for this were half 30s and half 60s @iso3200... I tried around a bit
Also if the wind is too strong the guiding can't correct it, so you are very dependent on the weather :p